Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Completed works

Here's some pictures of what I've been up to!!!

The Tunisian crochet baby blanket I made!
Only my 3rd ever Tunisian project and it was SOO fast and easy!

I made this bikini for a customer, it's crochet thread and lined with swimsuit liner.
I'm happy with how it turned out, but I'm still undecided on whether
I want to make another one anytime soon lol

A cute little hippo I designed! I'm still working on his lion friend for a customer
Also Friday was my birthday!!!! so I haven't really been crocheting much at all! I had a few friends over on Friday night which was a blast and then Saturday J and I went to the sugarbush and then to lunch with my mom, so it's been a long busy weekend :)
Here's a picture of my birthday cake! I did make it myself, but I love to bake and
my best friend is vegan so buying a cake isn't really an option!
It was a vanilla cake with chocolate and peanut butter custard fillings
and chocolate-peanut butter frosting!

And here's the cute mug the same best friend bought me,
which went wonderfully with the keurig machine my husband bought me!!!

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