Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Muddy River Murder

This weekend was the Muddy River Murder, a 3 day roller derby tournament in Moncton and it was awesome! There were 11 teams from 6 leagues (Muddy River Rollers, Red Rock n Rollers, Roller Derby Quebec, Maine Roller Derby, Capital City Rollers, Halifax Roller Derby) there and it was so much fun to see them all playing each other!

It started off with a game Friday night, where Moncton won! I love watching the Lumbersmacks play. On Saturday games were played from 9am until 6pm, when there was a co-ed scrimmage. Co-ed derby was really great and different, it was so much fun to see these girls getting to really check people and see the guys flying around the track! The coach from one of the Quebec teams El Tannant was AMAZING! His ability to dodge the blockers was great to watch, he somehow managed to jump around a bunch of them at one point, it defied logic. I also had a table on Saturday, selling some leftover stock from previous sales, it went very well, and I'm hopeful some commissions will come from it :) Sunday was actually really nice because we just got to watch, we set up (like always) on the edge of the suicide seating* and spent the day watching the 2nd round of the tournament. Moncton won 2nd, and my Fredericton girls took home 4th! So proud!

It was a fun weekend, however the weather did put a bit of a damper on the whole thing... IT WAS HOT. Friday and Saturday the arena we were in didn't even have the fans on. It was horrible. I felt so sick Saturday from the stale heat. Sunday, they had the fans on, but not the AC, so it was slightly more bearable... but the best thing ever happens on Sunday... IT RAINED! It was glorious!

I know people have a lot of misconceptions about Canada, especially the Maritimes/Atlantic provinces but here in Moncton, we get extreme heat, extreme humid heat. Friday it hit 33C (91 F) or 41C (105 F) with humidity! And it's the humidity that is the problem, it's like being in a sauna, everything is sticky and damp!

The weather this past week has put a huge damper on my crocheting efforts... I was commissioned to make a Pinkie Pie last weekend, that was suppose to mail out today, I unfortunately had to email him over the weekend and tell him it would take another day or two because trying to crocheting in this humidity is impossible! Thankfully he's awesome and understanding!

*Suicide seating is an area a few meters away from the derby track and is called that because sometimes someone gets pushed so far off the track that spectators get hit... I think it's only happened once to us

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