Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Mood Scarf - Month 1 - July 2012

So... I will be honest and say this so far, has NOT gone at all as planned... I have been recording my mood/colour every day but I definitely have not been crocheting a row a day, infact most of this scarf got completed this past weekend. *hangs head in shame*

Well shame aside! It does have 31 lovely rows of 30 sc that do coincide to my mood every night at 8pm. I'm happy to report there really are no big trends emerging so far, there were two days in a row where at 8pm all I felt was sick (green), but I'm such an emotional person (sorry J) that thankfully even my angry bouts, or stressed bouts etc tend to really only last an hour or two.

My goal for August is to ACTUALLY crochet a row a day!

Some of you, may notice, this is not the scarf I originally showed  4 weeks ago. There were a few flaws with that plan, the hdc were probably going to make this thing way too long, my math initially said it was going to be 7 feet long, but so does my math on the new sc version... so math somewhere failed me! But the bigger problem with the 1st version was the 730 ends I was going to have to deal with! OMG that's so many little 3" strands to sew in! Thankfully Lion Brand Yarn came to my help! Their blog recently showed an awesome technique for dealing with ends, that still takes a bit of time, but it does cut down a ton on the annoying little ends! Go check it out! So thrilled to learn this! I had heard about the Russian join years ago, but that method involved cutting yarn and handfelting it together, which would only work with wool. This doesn't help me at all, since I can't work with wool, but this one works with acrylic yarn! It's the little things :)

And now back to working on some commissions and presents!

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