Monday, February 4, 2013

HtbaFB #1

So... I'm taking this blog on a bit of a side journey, crochet posts wont be stopping, but I've decided to start doing an E-Course How to be a Fat Bitch from The Nearsighted Owl. I'm hoping this will get me posting more often, because I really can only say so much about crochet at this point, and honestly it's an issue I feel very passionately about.
I'm fat, I have been for most of my life. I also come from a family that has produced two ballerinas therefore my weight is very noticeable. I generally accept myself and love my body, but like everyone else, I have those days when nothing looks or fits right and I would rather curl into a ball, then face the world. Most of the time though, I'm happy with how I look, I wont lie and say I don't want to be a size 14/16 again someday, instead of an 18/20, but I have no urge to be "skinny". I don't think I would look good skinny, I really only want to be a 14/16 again so I have more shopping options... also I don't want to devote huge chunks of my day to focusing on what I'm eating or ensuring I'm exercising enough to not gain a pound. For me personally, I don't want to focus my entire life on something as trivial as my size. I'm more than my weight, and being a happy person is way more important to me than dieting.

I hate that I feel like I need to post this but DISCLAIMER: I'm not encouraging people to put on weight, or stop dieting, if that's what makes you happy, go for it! I'm also not saying I will never lose weight, as you can see below, one of my goals right now is to join the gym again. I'm doing this to hopefully help spread awareness that there's more to a person than their weight and to encourage myself and others to be happy with the body we have.

How do you deal with people that make assumptions about you based on being fat? Is the best revenge to live well and be happy?

I really don't have a way of dealing with the assumptions people make. I'm thankfully out of middle school, and no longer have people who call me a whale, and belittle me about my size and make me feel like I'm worthless. I also really don't notice anymore if people look at me in disgust because I'm ordering dessert at a restaurant or walking into a plus-size store. I think that says way more about them, than about me that they are that obsessed with my weight. I try my best to show people that I'm happy with myself. I think having a husband who I know loves me and thinks I'm beautiful, does so much more for my esteem than a rude glare from a stranger could do.

Assignment # 1
Write down 5 things that you are going to do that make you happy. Not "even though you are fat" but because you are fat and awesome. 5 things that have nothing to do with trying for the sake of others. 5 things for yourself and your well being. EXTRA CREDIT: Do some of them!

  1. Cut my hair!
  2. Rejoin the gym (I really miss it, it did wonders for my stress, though I probably wont be rejoing until like April... I don't like cold early mornings...)
  3. Make myself a scarf/hat/mitten set (I want to be warm and cute too!)
  4. Wear my brightly coloured tights (that's one clothing style, I haven't been comfortable with)
  5. Try to get a monthly group going with some other crocheters/crafters


  1. I like your 5 things that you want to do, I have struggled with the bright colored tights as well. Partly my age and partly my legs. I cannot find them anywhere either!
    Online I suppose?
    Happy tuesday!

    1. Thanks! I actually have an appointment tomorrow to cut my hair!!! So excited!

      I've bought tights before from There's an awesome selection of colours and they're really comfortable. I feel too conspicuous when I wear them though, like I'm way too flashy or something, it makes no sense.
