Thursday, March 28, 2013

Random Update...

Sadly popsicle scarf pattern is going to be delayed a bit... my phone (which is my primary camera) crapped out on me... J and I are hoping to fix it as soon as we get parts, it looks like the power/screen lock button is stuck so the phone screen keeps timing out then turning back on instantly, and if you touch the power button it crashes and restarts itself. Essentially the only way I can currently turn the phone off is to take out the battery, which is why my phone is now hanging out in my pocket sans battery!

It's kind of funny actually until January 2012 I was dead-set against ever getting a cellphone. I really didn't see the need in one. I'm not an outgoing person, I'm a homebody if I'm not working or with J, so it just seemed annoying. Then a friend was in a car accident... and I started to get scared of being stuck somewhere without a way of communicating with anyone... he and I also wanted to try to take YarrHooked! out there more, and we realized I needed a phone to do that. I needed a way to take photos at a whim, and to blog and post and try to get myself out there more. I'm not going to lie, I'm now ADDICTED and totally bummed that I can't use my phone right now! I actually have pretty much stopped using my laptop at home, because it's just easier for me to use my phone. I can write out patterns on my phone, keep notes about sizing, yarns I need, projects that need to be completed, take photos etc. Thankfully I'm relatively paranoid, so my photos are all saved on my SD card, and most of my lists and patterns etc are done on Google Drive so when we formatted the phone, hoping the problem was software not hardware, I didn't lose anything.

I finished up another new cool scarf last night, it's adorably nerdy and will appeal to men as well. I'm going to have a few of those ready for Con. season and I can't wait to get that pattern posted online too! EEE! Is the vagueness driving you insane?

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